Short Stories

If you are looking for a fun story, an engaging one, for your kids, especially the little ones with a lot of imagination, try out one of the below stories.

Every time I went to tell a story to my children, they asked for a story about something that they liked. I had to make a story about what they asked me right there and then. But, that was the moment I was able to connect to my kids by granting their wishes.

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Rosa and The Backyard CricketA child will always remember the joy and happy moments in his or her life. The very early images and voices are part of those moments.En, De
Peter and Anna in the AlpsDisappearanceThe best storytellers are those who can
make a story real in the eyes of the listeners.
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Peter and Anna in the AlpsMartiansThe only place you can be whatever you desire to be is in your imagination. Imagine that!En, De
Peter and Anna in the AlpsReturn of PeterWhat will happen tomorrow is not as important as being there to see it.En, De
Peter and Anna in the AlpsPeter goes to MarsIt is through the imagination that humans are able to put their survival instinct into action. Never stop imagining!En, De
Hellen and the Forest SorcererWith every story, you unlock a new imagination door for your kids to explore.En, De
The Frog and JimmyYou could be a friend to anyone if you would want to be a friend.En, De
Karl and The Letter CarrierHave you ever watched your postman or postwoman? Do you know his or her name?
This is a story about a boy who cared about his letter carrier.
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Children Stories, 1st CollectionEn, De
Children Stories, 2nd CollectionPeter and Anna in the Alps, the first four chapters.En, De